Title: “The Enchanted Pumpkin: A Halloween Treat!”

Young Jack was wandering through the pumpkin patch on a misty Halloween eve. “I must find the perfect pumpkin for tomorrow’s contest”, he thought.

He noticed an odd-looking pumpkin, glowing teal in the middle of all the orange. “That’s the one!” he exclaimed, quickly picking it up and carrying it home.

But, as the midnight moon gleamed, peculiar things started to happen. The pumpkin began to quiver, sending tremors right to Jack’s bed, startling him awake.

“What a strange dream”, he thought, rubbing his eyes. Until he entered the kitchen. His heart missed a beat as he saw the now gigantic pumpkin covering the entire kitchen floor, glowing and pulsing like a peculiar jellyfish.

Bracing himself, he touched the wobbling mass. Unexpectedly, the pumpkin split open, revealing layers of candy, chocolates, and sweets every child can only dream of. Jack’s eyes were as large as saucers.

To his surprise, a note floated out of the candy pile: “Scared you, didn’t I? Dearest Jack, hope you and your neighbourhood friends enjoy a memorable Halloween! – Signed, The Halloween Fairy”. Jack laughed, eternally marked as the boy who had Halloween’s biggest, sweetest surprises.