Title: “Mrs. Mulligan’s Mysterious Pumpkin Pie Mischief”

It was the night before Halloween, when old Mrs. Mulligan baked a batch of her famously prized pumpkin pies. As she hummed an ancient lullaby, her dimly lit kitchen flickered with ghoulish shadows.

In the morning, children arrived in costumes, eager for a taste of the mouthwatering treats. Little did they know that these pumpkin pies held a secret ingredient – a pinch of the old Halloween spirit. Each child was beaming with excitement as they took their first bite.

All was merry within the neighbourhood as laughter and giggles echoed through the streets. Until, suddenly, with wide-eyed wonder, the children’s costumes began taking on a life of their own. Witches cackled with newfound power while miniature werewolves howled at the imagined moon.

The townsfolk gasped as they watched, not knowing whether to be scared or bemused. It was a sight to behold, the true essence of Halloween sprung to life, all thanks to Mrs. Mulligan’s heavenly pies.

And the surprise of the day? Mrs. Mulligan with her unusual tradition, revealed that the pie’s secret ingredient was indeed, nothing but a spoonful of… mischief!