Title: “The Haunted Halloween Trick”

Once upon a chilling Halloween night, young Timmy was on his own, trick-or-treating beneath the yellow glow of the moon. He was roaming along long forgotten trails that meandered into the outskirts of town, where a dilapidated house stood.

Consumed by an irresistible curiosity, he found himself slowly approaching the front door of this eerie house. A gust of wind made the rusty hinges creak a cryptic welcome. Heart beating a rapid tattoo, he pressed the broken doorbell. There was an inviting cacophony of strange noises and the door creaked open slowly.

Through the shadowy, cobwebbed hallway, Timmy caught sight of an unexpected glow. As he moved closer, he noticed a bowl filled with his most favourite candy, nestled within the glow. A triumphant smile lit up his face, hands already reaching out greedily.

Just as his fingers grazed the shiny wrappers, the house erupted into laughter. The candies transformed into giggling ghosts while Timmy stood frozen with shock. Until he heard his name called amidst the laughter, that is. The joy in the tone made him turn around.

And there his parents stood, bursting into peals of laughter at his startled expression. With a wicked grin on their faces, they confessed their prank. So, the haunted house turned out to be the spooky setting for a memorable Halloween trick. A trick, that Timmy would not forget for many Halloweens to come. Boo! Or should we say… Boo-hoo, Timmy?