One blustery Halloween night, two cheeky friends, Billy and Charlie, decided to go trick-or-treating at the haunted house on Creaky Bone Lane. This house, known for its bat-filled bell tower and creaky old bones, had been abandoned for years. Stories of eerie laughter and strange shadows had kept everyone away.
Standing outside the mansion, the boys felt a chilling wind whip their costumes. With a frightful gulp and determined nods, they climbed the cobwebbed steps and knocked at the dark wooden door. Just as Billy was about to knock again, the door squeaked open, revealing the shadowy interior.
Bravely stepping inside, they spotted a glowing creature feasting on candy corn and marshmallow ghosts. The boys froze, their candy bags crashing to the floor. It wasn’t a ghost, but a greedy raccoon with glowing eyes!
The raccoon scampered away, leaving behind a note that read: “Gotcha! Happy Halloween!” The boys realized the ‘haunted mansion’ was the town’s best kept secret candy stash. The eerie laughter and strange shadows were nothing more but their imaginative townsfolk enjoying the tasty Halloween treats!
From that candy-filled night on, Billy and Charlie always started their trick-or-treating at Creaky Bone Lane. Halloween had never been sweeter!