Title: “The Witching Hour Whistle: A Pumpkinville Halloween Tale”
Once upon a brightly moonlit Halloween night, in the heart of the enchanted town, Pumpkinville, lived a quirky witch named Willow. Famous for her delicious pumpkin pie rather than spine-chilling spells, Willow adored Halloween more than any other witch in the town.
This particular night was special, however, as it marked the 100th Halloween since Willow’s granny’s disappearance, the greatest pumpkin pie maker in all the forgotten realms. It was said that Granny vanished into thin air leaving only her secret pumpkin pie recipe behind!
As the clock chimed midnight, a strange thing happened. Willow’s beloved cat, Spooky, started behaving most peculiarly. It led Willow to the cobweb-ridden attic, home to forgotten relics. In the corner, illuminated by the moonlight was a rusty, old kettle.
Curiosity piqued, Willow brushed the dust off, unveiling the engraved words, ‘whistle thrice at witching hour’. Without a second of hesitation, Willow did as instructed. Suddenly, her granny materialised out of the kettle’s smoky brume looking fit as a fiddle.
“Whistle thrice at witching hour, to bring back Granny with baking power!” Granny chortled, her smile wide. Turns out, she’d just popped into the kettle for some peace and quiet a century ago and had forgotten her way out!
Title: “The Witching Hour Whistle: A Pumpkinville Halloween Tale” Read More »