It was Halloween night in the small town of Sleepy Hollow. A group of adventurous kids decided to test their bravery by visiting the old, haunted Anderson mansion. Wielding only their flashlight and hearty spirits, they tiptoed towards their frightful destination.
As they entered the mansion, it groaned with each step they took. The wind whistled, sending a chill down their spines. Suddenly, they heard a noise upstairs. A whisper, a thud, and then silence.
Gathering their courage, they decided to investigate. Climbing the creaky wooden stairs, they saw a shadow darting across the hallway. A chilling howl echoed through the mansion, making them scream!
Suddenly, from amidst the dark, a figure appeared. It was a ghost, with a ghastly aura and piercing eyes. The kids held their breath, ready to dash. The ghost lumbered towards them…
…and started to dab and floss. Suddenly, it began giggling in a familiar tone. The ghost peeled off his mask, revealing it to be a brother of one of the kids. “Boo,” he shouted, his laughter ringing through the silent night.
So, the haunted mansion of Sleepy Hollow wasn’t haunted after all. The biggest scare of the night turned out to be probably the biggest prank! Now, let that be a ghostsly giggle this Halloween!