In the quiet town of Pumpkinville, lived Emma, a sweet little girl known for her quirky charms and unusual pet- a grumpy black cat named Spooky. Halloween was Emma’s favorite holiday. This year, she planned to give Spooky a surprise. She bought him an orange bow tie to complement the pumpkin-themed Halloween dress code.
As night unfurled its inky blanket, the streets of Pumpkinville were alive with jack-o’-lanterns and laughing children trick-or-treating. Emma put on her black witch hat, grabbed Spooky, and tied the bow tie around his neck.
Spooky grumbled, but everyone fawned over him. He was the black cat with a glowing orange tie, fitting into the eerie Halloween vibe. With the attention, his attitude surprisingly softened. Who knew a fashion makeover was all it took?
It was a memorable Halloween until… Spooky transformed! Where the grouchy cat stood now shimmered a tall, handsome man with enchanting green eyes.
“Thank you, Emma,” he said, “that bow tie broke the spell!” Turns out, Spooky was a cursed prince! The villagers gasped, Emma stared wide-eyed, and Spooky… errr… Prince Charming chuckled, “I guess I need a new name now?”