“The Halloween Hero: Unmasking the Haunted Mill Ghost”

Tommy was an overly curious twelve-year-old who loved Halloween. Each year, his town organizes a tour of the infamous ‘Haunted Mill’. The urban legend had it that a ghost of a previous mill worker rattled chains each year, specifically at midnight on Halloween.

This year, Tommy decided he was brave enough to go, despite all the warnings from everyone. Selling seven candies from his stash to his buddies, he had just enough for the ticket.

Clad in his favorite superhero costume, with a tiny flashlight, off he headed to the mill. As soon as the clock struck midnight, the chains rattled, scaring everyone away except him. He decided to inspect the source of the noise amidst creaking floors and dusty air.

With trembling hands, he pointed the flashlight toward the rattling chains. His heart pounded as he discovered a mischievously grinning townsguy, Mr. McKenzie, deliberately rattling the chains! He wasn’t expecting this “ghost”!

At breakfast next morning, the whole town was amused to read the headline in the local newspaper, “Haunted Mill Ghost Unmasked – All Thanks to a Daring Kid”. Tommy winked as he bit into his pancakes, the Halloween Hero of the town!