“The Haunting of Ghost Delight Manor: A Halloween Trick or Treat Tale”

Once upon a time, in the bustling town of Pieville, there lived a kid named Sammy. Every Halloween, he would venture into the legendary haunted mansion, braving its spooky corridors for the town’s famous pie, the ‘Ghost Delight’.

This year was no different. However, as Sammy stepped into the mansion, a gust of wind whispered through the hallways, “Who dares disturb the lonely pie?”. Unfazed, Sammy shouted back confidently, “It’s pie-craving Sammy, old ghost!”

As Sammy walked towards the pie residing on a glowing stand, he saw its guarded phantom up close. Just as Sammy was about to grab the pie, the phantom wailed, “Wait! If you can answer this riddle, the pie is yours. Or else, scares await!”

“Sure, bring it on!”, Sammy challenged fearlessly. The phantom asked, “What’s sweet, scary, loved by all, but vanishes at dawn?” Sammy thought for a second and answered, “Halloween Candy.”

But the catch? The phantom laughed and exclaimed, “Wrong! The answer is Ghost Delight!” And in a puff of smoke, the pie disappeared, leaving Sammy shocked and pie-less, the room echoing with the phantom’s victorious laughter.

This Halloween, the haunted mansion had played its trick on Sammy, teaching him that sometimes the treat we seek is the answer itself!