Once upon a time in the quaint town of Sleepy Hollow, a grumpy old man named Gus occupied the eerie mansion on top of the hill. Gus was often heard muttering, “I ain’t afraid of no ghosts!”, a phrase which multiplied the townsfolk’s curiosity.
On Halloween night, laughing kids came to his gate hoping to spot ghouls, only to be shooed away. While Gus prepared his pumpkin soup, a dancing shadow caught his eye. Gradually it formed into a lady with a pale, ghostly face, clad in a spooky, white gown, with a hollow voice that echoed, “You don’t belong here, Gus!”
Terrified, Gus yelled, “Leave me alone, I ain’t afraid of no ghost!” His heart pounded as the words fell into the echoing silence of the mansion. Slowly, his reflection warped into a twisted smile on the mirror behind, and…POP!
Surprised, Gus leaped and discovered it was just his untied apron string that popped. His nervous laughter filled the room as the ‘ghost’ dissipated into thin air. Turns out Gus had only forgotten to take off his reading glasses.
So, the moral of the story: if you think you’re seeing a ghost, maybe it’s just time to get your eyes checked!