Title: “Ghastly’s Ghoulishly Funny Halloween Haunt”

In the heart of fresh pumpkin-smelling Salem, stood the rickety Witch’s Brew Inn. The inn was home to a peculiar resident ghost, Mr. Ghastly, a failed magician who tripped on a black cat, ironically, on Halloween night a hundred years ago, vanishing mysteriously ever since!

On a Halloween night, despite the chilling rumors, a trio of wickedly brave teenagers decided – they would trick or treat Mr. Ghastly. Dressed in wacky costumes, they stepped into the cobweb-filled inn, bracing themselves for the spooky encounter.

Midnight struck, they spotted an eerie figure – a ghost floating mid-air cloaked in a magician’s cape! With a poker-faced expression, he attempted his favorite magic trick – pulling an orange bunny from his hat. In a comical twist, a pumpkin popped out instead, boinking him on his ghostly head, and the room erupted into laughter!

Breaking the eerie silence, The ghost chuckled and admitted, “I guess I can’t bail on my reputation, even after a hundred Halloweens!” The teens guffawed, collecting an unforgettable trick of a lifetime.

And since then, every Halloween night, instead of fearful screams, you hear laughter echoing in the Witch’s Brew Inn, as Mr. Ghastly continuously bungles his magic tricks, making a ghoulishly funny Halloween tradition!