Once upon a time, in a small town named Harvest Hill, each Halloween a most peculiar event would take place. In the heart of the town stood an old, dilapidated mansion, infamous for its haunted reputation. Legend had it, every Halloween, the mansion would beautifully repair and light up itself, entertaining everyone with an elaborate show of ghosts and ghouls.
The town’s mayor, buoyant and ambitious, charmed by this annual spectacle, thought of monetizing the occurrence. He sold tickets for a ‘Haunted Halloween Experience’, unknowing of the price he’d have to pay.
On Halloween night, the townsfolk huddled around the mansion, waiting for the eerie spectacle. Suddenly, the mansion started its transformation- broken windows repaired, rusty gates shone anew, and the dilapidated facade turned pristine. Excited gasps rang out as spectral apparitions began their performance.
When the climax was due, the mansion’s main door creaked open. The crowd went silent as a ghostly figure wafted out. With an otherworldly voice, it announced, “Ladies and Gentlemen! Due to unauthorised resale of tickets, we’ll be moving our annual party to a different location!”
The rambunctious crowd was left boggled and ticketless, their Halloween highlight had just relocated.