Once upon a time in the sleepy town of Spooksville, there lived a grumpy old man named Mr. Bobblehead. Everyone knew of his haunted mansion, avoided by children and adults alike. Every Halloween, they said, it came alive with the spirits of past inhabitants.
This year, the adventurous little Timmy thought, why not give it a try? Wearing his ghost costume, he approached the mansion, its towering silhouette eerie against the full moon. The mansion, perceived to be uninhabited, still possessed a single lit room. Timmy, bravely crept up to the window to peek inside.
To his surprise, he saw Mr. Bobblehead laughing amidst a bunch of funny looking, seemingly mismatched guests. They were slurping some kind of gooey soup and enjoying what appeared to be…a party? Suddenly, they all turned toward the window. Timmy froze.
Next instant, Mr. Bobblehead flung the door open. “Timmy, why the sneaky peeks?” he said, grinning ear to ear, revealing his missing teeth. “C’mon in, the ghouls and I are just having our annual pumpkin soup! The secret ingredient? Extra Halloween candy!”
And since then, no Halloween was ever complete without Mr. Bobblehead’s special pumpkin soup in Spooksville.
‘It’s not always the house that’s haunted, sometimes, it’s just your mind!’