Title: “The Baker’s Haunted Creations: A Trick or Treat Twist”

Once upon a time, in a small town named Hollow Brook, there lived an old baker. He was renowned for making the best Halloween pastries, and many believed he had a secret recipe. Every Halloween, right at midnight, he’d put a fresh batch of pumpkin pies in his bakery’s window.

One Halloween night, a gang of mischievous kids decided to sneak into the bakery to steal a pie. Armed with flashlights and devilish grins, they tiptoed into the dark bakery. The smell of fresh pumpkin pies was overwhelming, tempting them forward.

Suddenly, they heard a scratching sound. Their hearts pounding, they turned their flashlights towards it. Shockingly, they saw the pastries – pastries with spider legs! They were crawling around, scuttling here and there on the trays. The kids screamed and bolted out of the bakery, forever scarred by the vision of the creepy crawlies.

Back in his bakery, the old baker chuckled. He had a secret alright. His Halloween pastries weren’t just the best in town, they were the only ones guaranteed to give you a good scare! Now that, dear friends, is a trick or treat twist worth savoring.