Title: “The Candy Trail to Mischief: A Halloween Tale of Sibling Tricks”

Once upon a chilling Halloween night, in the heart of Sleepy Hollow, Timmy, a curious and ingenious junior detective, heard a peculiar tale about a candy trail leading to an abandoned mansion. With just his flashlight, a sprinkle of courage and his faithful dog, Buster, he decided to investigate.

Following the candy trail, he realized the sweets were meticulously placed, as if enticing a childlike curiosity. The trail led straight to the infamous mansion’s heavy wooden door. Gathering up his wits, Timmy pushed open the creaking door.

Inside, an eerie silence prevailed, only to be broken by Buster’s whimpering. There, amidst dusty cobwebs and musty antiques, stood an old, grinning scarecrow, holding a big, gleaming chocolate bar. Timmy laughed nervously and approached it to snatch the chocolate.

Just as his small fingers touched the wrapper, the scarecrow’s straw-filled hand jerked, dropping the candy. “You passed”, the scarecrow unexpectedly croaked. It then knelt to reveal… his older brother, Terry, with a mischievous grin. “It’s only me, Timmy” He chortled, his prank apparent.

For you see, the real horror that night was not the haunted mansion, but the sibling rivalry. This Halloween, Timmy learnt, sometimes it’s not the monsters under your bed or the scarecrows in the attic that you should fear. But your elder brother, with a penchant for pranks.