Title: “The Haunted Lantern of Sleepy Lantern Town”

Once upon a Halloween night in Sleepy Lantern Town, rambunctious trick-or-treaters buzzed like bees, dashing from house to house. Jack O’Lantern, an elderly man notorious for his tall tales, sat by his famous lantern-lit porch.

That night, Jack promised to reveal the secret of his ever-burning lantern. People gathered, from excited kids to skeptical adults. Jack grinned before he began his whispered tale.

Every Halloween night, he said, a mysterious, shadowy figure visits from the world of spirits to refill the lantern. It isn’t just any wisp but the ghost of the founding father himself! He makes sure the lantern- the symbol of the town- never runs out.

The crowd held their breath as midnight neared. Suddenly, the air grew chillier, a pulsating shadow danced around the lantern. At the stroke of midnight, the lantern flickered and then shone brighter. The crowd gasped and stepped back; even the skeptics tucked their skepticism away.

As the excitement simmered down and people started leaving, Jack couldn’t suppress his chuckle. Unbeknownst to the townsfolk, he had earlier replaced the lantern light with a brighter, long-lasting LED bulb. Jack winked at his co-conspirator granddaughter, and they erupted into soft laughter while whispers of the ghostly visitor echoed into the Halloween night.