Title: “The Haunted Mansion’s Halloween Trickery”

On a chilly Halloween night, young Charlie, wearing his favorite pirate costume, sprinted past the flickering jack-o-lanterns lining Elm Street. He was on a quest to claim the title of ‘Most Candy Collected.’

Charlie’s heart raced as he approached the final house – the old mansion at the end of the road; it was known for giving out full-sized candy bars! Nobody dared to approach the mansion due to whispers that the house was haunted.

There he stood, Charlie, with his hand hovering in front of the worn-out doorknocker. He mustered his courage and knocked thrice. The door creaked open, revealing the house’s solitary occupant, old Mrs. Riddle, her face as sweet and wrinkled as a dried apple.

“Treat, my dear?” she asked, holding out a large bowl of candy.

Charlie nodded eagerly, grabbed a handful of candy and filled his almost-overflowing bag. Flushed with success, he wished Mrs. Riddle a happy Halloween, and left.

Back home, Charlie reached into his bag and pulled out one of Mrs. Riddle’s full-sized candy bars. It was, of all things, a carrot stick, wrapped carefully in shiny gold foil!

In the end, Charlie learned that even Halloween can deliver a trick, even in the most tempting of treats! Remember, don’t always judge your Halloween candy by its wrapper!