In the quiet town of Applewood, a spooky tale unfolded one Halloween night. The old Fletcher mansion, long since abandoned, was always the hub for such tales.
This chilly night, two brave kids, Rosie and Tim, mustered their courage to explore the decrepit mansion. Armed only with a single flashlight and fueled by their restless curiosity, they hesitantly stepped onto the creaky porch.
The mansion was eerier inside, with spider webs adorning old portraits and a chilly draft sweeping across dusty floors. Eventually, they stumbled upon an old trunk, it exuded an inexplicable aura.
Rosie, always the braver, keyed the lock open. Inside was an old mirror. Reflecting nothing but a bright tunnel, ominous yet enchanting.
Thinking nothing of it, they headed home, carrying the find with them. Every Halloween since, they’ve explored a new haunted house, their inexplicable defense against hauntings – the Mirror.
Not one spirit daunted their exploration since. You see, reader, the Mirror was haunted. It held the spirit of the kind old lady, Mrs. Fletcher, warding off other spirits. Rosie and Tim were always the adventurous ones, the twist? They never really knew they adventured with a ghost!