Title: “The Haunting of Baker House: A Halloween Secret”

When every house in Pine Street transformed with pumpkins and cobwebs, one remained eerily untouched. The old Baker house, infamous for its Perennial gloominess, was even more sinister around Halloween.

Curious twins, Billy and Lily MacAlister, decided to explore it one Halloween night. They tiptoed through the rusty gate, up the creaky wooden steps, and into the musty house. An ominous glow met them from the chandelier.

As they entered a room, a frigid gust blew, doors creaking shut behind them. Suddenly, the room flared with ghostly figures, dancing and gorging on candy.

“How did you learn our secret? Halloween is our break from haunting, our party night!” moaned one ghost. Startled and stuttering, Billy and Lily promised never to reveal it, if they could join in.

Years later, Billy and Lily, now the elders in Pine Street, tell tales of the haunted Baker house but never reveal the real secret. The old Baker house remains untouched, a buoyant energy radiating every Halloween. The ghosts inside are just taking a break, having a party with their living trustful friends.

And your haunted house? Maybe they’re just waiting for an invitation! So next Halloween, you know what to do.