Title: “The Haunting of One-Night Cottage: Olly’s Halloween Revelation”

Once upon a moonlit night in Sleepy Hollow, existed a charming cottage with one curious quirk: no one ever stayed more than one night. The town folk whispered tales of ghostly apparitions and eerie sounds echoing from within its ancient walls. People dubbed it ‘one-night cottage’.

One brash newcomer, Olly, took the challenge to spend the Halloween night in the cottage. As the clock struck midnight, the windows began to rattle, chilling whispers seeped through the cracks, and a spectral figure in the top hat appeared. Olly didn’t flinch. He was spellbound, not with fear, but fascination!

Following the resonance of the whispered voices, in a secret room he discovered a vintage phonograph playing an old record. The ghostly figure? It was merely a clever arrangement of coat stands and the moonlight’s reflection. Olly laughed!

From that night onward, Olly lived happily in his wonderfully spooky home. The town’s people were stunned. The tale spread like wildfire, that the haunted house had found its master. We realize now the truth behind the haunting was far less spectral, but equally captivating. And thus, the ‘one-night cottage’ became the ‘forever home’ for the newest town hero.