Title: “The Haunting of Raven Hill: The Legend of Old Lady Blackwell’s Treats”

On a moonlit Halloween night, in the heart of the enchanted Sleepy Hollow, young Tommy set out, a sweet tooths’ thrill shining in his eyes. A self-proclaimed brave soul, he decided to venture where no trick-or-treater had dared to go before: Old Lady Blackwell’s ominous house at the crest of Raven Hill.

The hill was moon-dappled, trees gnarling their fingers to the sky and casting eerie shadows. With every crunch of the autumn leaves under his sneakers, hearsay echoed in Tommy’s mind about the house devouring children. Swallowing his fear and armed with his jack-o-lantern basket, he climbed the ghostly staircase of the house.

Chilling wind whispered through, creaking the door open as he knocked. Out hobbled Old Lady Blackwell, shrouded in an eerie glow. She peered down at him through glassy eyes. “Trick or Treat?” Tommy squeaked, voice trembling like a leaf in an autumn breeze. The woman chuckled, a chilling sound that could freeze the spine.

“Oh, my poor little mite,” she crooned, leaning in closer as Tommy trembled. And then… she dropped the biggest king-sized candy bar he’d ever seen in his bucket. “Just remember – Blackwell’s always have the best treats.”