Title: The Haunting of Willow’s End

Once upon a Halloween night in the small town of Whispers Hollow, four adventurous friends decided to seek the thrill of their young lives. They had heard tales of the ‘Hermit’s House,’ eerily situated on Willow’s End—allegedly haunted by an ancient hermit who, they were told, had vanished one stormy Halloween night.

Armed only with flashlights and youthful bravado, they stepped into the house, its rickety wooden door creaking open eerily. A cold wind blew, causing goosebumps to break out across their skin.

They ventured further, their hearts pounding. Suddenly, they heard a rustling sound, swiftly followed by an unearthly voice, “Why are you here?” it moaned. Panic surged through them as a ghostly figure floated by.

Running pell-mell, they crashed out of the house and into the dark night. They didn’t stop running until they reached the safety of their homes. Yet, something was amiss. In the chaos, one friend was missing!

Many sleepless hours later, a knock echoed on each of their doors. They opened it in terror, only to find their friend standing there, grinning widely, covered in white paint. He chuckled, “Gotcha! Best Halloween prank Ever.”