Title: “The Haunting Trick on Serpent Street”

“It was a chilly Halloween night in the quiet town of Hudson. The moon hung low, casting long shadows in the eerily silent streets.

Among the trick-or-treaters, young Billy walked alone, his candy bag nearly empty. He was determined to knock at every door until his bag rippled with loads of treats.

As Billy approached the last house on Serpent Street, a shiver ran down his spine. The house had a vibe that made the hair on his neck stand on end. The front door creaked open as if inviting him in.

Undeterred, Billy walked up the steps and shouted, ‘Trick or treat!’ Imagine his delighted surprise when a massive pile of candy poured forth from nowhere.

“Wow!” he exclaimed, quickly filling his bag. His eyes gleamed with triumph. That’s when he noticed his costume. The bright red devil suit he wore appeared to change to a completely different snow white angel costume.

“What a strange Halloween!” Billy thought, chuckling to himself. Little did he know, the house had a rep for pranks. He had just been ‘tricked’ while he thought he was getting his ‘treat’.”