Title: “The Humbling of Hollowville: A Halloween Tale of Ghostly Frights and Witchly Delights”

Once upon a Halloween night in eerie Hollowville, lived a mischievous little ghost named Gus. His specialty: spooking folks as they collected their Halloween candy, drawing delight from their screams.

One house, old and gnarled, never had visitors. It was the home of Gertrude, rumored to a real witch. Encouraged by his own naughty nature, Gus decided to frighten Gertrude, a fright guaranteed to crown him King of Scares among ghosts.

Gus floated into the house, through creaking wooden doors and dusty hallways. “Boo!” he hollered, expecting screams. However, Gertrude just chuckled, “Is that the best you can do?” she retorted, stirring her green luminous brew.

Gus, taken aback, tried various scares. But Gertrude only laughed harder each time. Frustrated, Gus decided to show his scariest form, a huge terrifying specter. The moment he did, Gertrude burst into laughter so loud, poor Gus felt himself shrink.

In the end, Gus left in defeat, having learned a valuable lesson. The ‘King of Scares’ among ghosts found solace in his spooking routine, thoroughly humbled by a little old witch’s hilarity.

The moral takes a sweet Halloween twist. It’s one thing to be scared, quite another to create the scare. But, the ultimate winner is the one who laughs at the face of fear.