Title: “The Legend of the Hungry Ghost in the Haunted Maze”

Once upon a chilly Halloween night, a young man named Jack wandered through the town’s legendary haunted maze. Jack was no stranger to adventure, but the tales of a ghostly presence in the labyrinth made his heart beat faster.

As he ventured deeper, a spectral figure materialized before him, draped in white and glowing a pale blue. Suddenly, everything went silent and even the rustling of the cornstalks ceased.

Jack stood rooted to the spot, heart pounding, the ghostly figure inches away. It reached out, and he gaped in fear. Then, the unexpected happened. Out of the ghost’s mouth came the words, “Brother, can you spare some candy?” It had the voice of a teenage boy with a love for snickers.

Jack burst into laughter, relief flooding him. The ‘ghost’, his neighbor’s kid, grinning sheepishly, explained it was a ploy to scare off other kids and hoard the candy that was kept at the center of the maze.

So, the Halloween story of the haunted maze took a sweet twist, forever known as the tale of the Hungry Ghost who victimized kids for candy.