Title: “The Prankster’s Halloween Haunt”

Once upon a midnight Halloween in the town of Spookville, everyone was preparing for the annual costume parade. Buster, the town’s notorious prankster, was itching to execute a prank that would go down in the annals of Spookville.

Equipped with a bag full of fake spiders, Buster tiptoed towards the parade’s starting point. A wicked grin plastered his face as he imagined the forthcoming scene.

Just as he was about to let loose the spiders, the town’s gong struck midnight. Suddenly, he felt spiders crawling up his own legs. With rising horror, Buster realized they weren’t his fake spiders. The old Spookville legend, that on Halloween midnight, creepy crawlers come alive, wasn’t merely a fable!

Petrified, Buster hastily stifled his screams, his prank backfiring massively. He willed himself not to faint amidst the giggles of townsfolk who, oblivious to his harrowing ordeal, found his costume both amusing and impressive.

Buster, finally free of the tormenting creatures, made a solemn vow under the pale moonlight. He decided to retire his prankster crown, his lesson well-learned. For in Spookville, Halloween truly brings spooky twists, even for the town’s greatest trickster.

Moral of the tale? Even pranksters get pranked, especially on Halloween night!