Title: “The Pumpkin Trick at Grimsley House”

It was Halloween night in the sleepy town of Lantern Hollow. Every home was decked up in eerie splendor, except for one. The old Grimsley house, a towering behemoth of decay and gloom, stood defiant in its vacant grimness, a stark contrast to the festive night.

The noisy chatter of trick-or-treaters filled the air. They dared each other to knock on the Grimsley house’s age-old door, its wooden face as dark and inscrutable as its past. Tacoma, a brave-but-foolhardy boy, took up the challenge.

He gingerly stepped forward, swallowed hard, and lifted his hand to knock. But the door creaked open on its own, revealing utter blackness. Tacoma took a deep breath and stepped inside, the crowd staring nervously at his back.

A terrible shriek echoed from inside the house. The crowd gasped, expecting Tacoma, petrified or worse, to come stumbling out. Instead, from the murky abyss rolled out… a pumpkin. A beautifully carved pumpkin, glowing with inner warmth and hospitality.

The crowd erupted in laughter as a red-faced Tacoma followed. Turns out, the old Grimsley house wasn’t vacant. It was owned by Old Lady Agatha, who was simply hard of hearing and a bit forgetful. But she surely knew how to carve a frightful pumpkin and play along with a timeless Halloween trick!