Title: “The Sweet Haunting of Lambert Mansion: Ollie’s Halloween Treats”

Once upon a time, in the quiet town of Elmsville, kids whispered about the ancient Lambert Mansion. It was rumored to be haunted by a mischievous ghost named Ollie. For years, the Mansion remained uninhabited, feared by all, until the Halloween of ’88.

That Halloween, a group of courageous youngsters decided they’d had enough of living in fear and ventured into the mansion, determined to disprove Ollie’s existence. Clutching their Halloween candy, they entered the mansion, their hearts pounding.

The mansion was eerily silent, apart from creaking floorboards and distant echoes. Suddenly, they heard a cheerful voice. “Hello, kiddos!” It was Ollie, materializing from thin air. “Want some candy?” he asked, revealing a bucket full of the most scrumptious Halloween treats.

The shocked kids reached out hesitantly. It was the most delicious candy they’d ever had! With a grin, Ollie disappeared, leaving behind a note – “Same time next year?”

From then on, the bravest kids of Elmsville would gather at the Lambert Mansion every Halloween, eagerly anticipating Ollie’s treats. The once dreaded Mansion became the heart of Halloween celebration in Elmsville. Just remember, when you hear whispers of the mischievous ghost, don’t fright – he might just be the ghost handing you your favorite candy!