Title: “The Sweet Tooth Ghoul of Creepersville”

Once upon a Halloween, in the overcast town of Creepersville, lived a peculiar lad named Toothy Tim. Now, Tim wasn’t like the other kids, his insatiable sweet tooth made him eat a pumpkin pie every full moon, giving him an eerie, orange glow.

The townsfolk attributed the mysterious disappearances to a grim ghoul. Each Halloween, they said, the ghoul would spirit away a denizen, and none would see them again.

One Halloween night, Tim, glowing brighter than ever, decided to investigate. As the night grew eerie, he heard an entrancing melody echo from the cryptic Creepersville Cemetery. With a bracing gulp, he ventured in.

In the cemetery, he came upon the ghoul, struggling with a hefty sac. It was the tune-playing ghoul! There, beneath the haunting moonlight, they came face to face.

Being a witty young fellow, Tim exclaimed, “I know what you’re doing! You’re stealing townsfolk!” The ghoul guffawed uproariously, untying his sac to reveal – a heaping mound of pumpkin pies!

It turned out the ‘ghoul’ was a pumpkin farmer who’d unwittingly scared the townsfolk for years, and the ‘disappearances’ were just folks, like Toothy Tim, who moved away from Creepersville after their excessive pumpkin consumption turned them orange!

And that is why, dear reader, they say, “Eat sweets in moderation. Else, you might just glow and start a ghoul tradition!”