Once upon a pumpkin moon, in the town of Grisly Gloom, young Jenny Scarewell carved in solace. The Gloom Grisly Halloween Carving Contest was due soon. Jenny craved victory, but her attempts were as feckless as a sun-drenched vampire.
One night, she accidentally cut her finger. A single drop of her blood fall onto the pumpkin, and as if ensorcelled, the half-carved pumpkin started to take shape on its own. It morphed into the most outlandish and spine-chilling jack-o-lantern anyone could ever conjure up!
On the contest night, the entire town gasped. Never before had they seen such a terrifying jack-o-lantern. Applause erupted. Victory was Jenny’s! But then, something eerie happened. The jack-o-lantern blinked. Gasps filled the square followed by silence so thick that you could stir it with a spoon!
Our jack-o-lantern buddy slowly turned towards Jenny, winked and declared in a gruff voice. “Well, Jenny, thanks for waking me up! Been ages! How about taking a break next year, eh?” Jenny was soon named the ‘Best Pumpkin-Carving Sorceress!’ Meanwhile, she simply rolled her eyes — although, she started to carve turnips next Halloween!