Once upon a time in a sleepy town named Creekville, there was an old house named The Witch’s Den. Each Halloween, brave teenagers, buzzing with adrenaline and infatuation for adventure, would dare each other to knock on its dusty, wooden door.
One Halloween night, a timid boy nicknamed Benny, aka ‘Bucket Benny’, decided to shake off his nickname and replace it with ‘Brave Benny’. With the moon hanging low and a wind ghostly whispering his name, he approached The Witch’s Den. The crowd of teenagers, huddled behind the old willow tree, watched eagerly.
He knocked, and the door creepily swung open. Swallowing his fear, Benny stepped inside. Moments later, he emerged with a cackling laughter, sending shivers down the spectators’ spines.
From that night onwards, Benny was no longer a figure of ridicule but the talk of the town. His bravery story echoed every nook and corner of Creekville. However, the real quirky twist in our tale is what none knew.
The ‘witch’ was none other than Benny’s eccentric Aunt Matilda. Halloween night wasn’t just about mischief pretty Witch Matilda. It was also about silencing Benny’s bullies in quite a spellbinding way. With a wink, she whispered, “Halloween isn’t always what it seems, dearie.”