Once upon a time, in a small, forgotten town named Hollowville, lived a lonely old witch, Miss Periwinkle. She was infamous in town, her stories frightening every child who dared venture near her ancient, creepy house.
This Halloween, Lily, the bravest girl in town, decided she didn’t believe the stories and would go Trick-Or-Treating at Miss Periwinkle’s house. With a bag full of courage, she approached the rickety gate, her heart racing, wearing a playful smile.
Quivering, she knocked on the faded wooden door. It creaked open to reveal Miss Periwinkle, with her signature black hat, slightly crooked nose, and surprisingly, a warm smile.
Offering Lily a glowing pumpkin, she said, “A brave heart like yours, dear, deserves the truth and a treat. Inside this pumpkin, you’ll find both.”
Curiously, Lily opened the glowing pumpkin. To her astonishment, inside, shimmering truthfully was a mirror. The reflection showed a beautiful young witch – Lily herself!
Miss Periwinkle chuckled, “Scary tales made me infamous, but they shielded a secret. I am not the last witch – you are, Lily. Welcome, the new witch of Hollowville!” The lonely witch wasn’t lonely anymore or old for the old witch was Lily and Hollowville was never the same again.