Title: “Witty’s Ghostly Gala: A Haunting Halloween Party Surprise”

Once upon a time in a sleepy town, Spooksville, there was a mischievous little ghost named Witty, known for his love of pranks. Halloween was naturally his favorite time of year.

One year, he decided to host a ghostly gathering at the old, creaky mansion on top of Whisper Hill. All the spooks were excited, the invitations read, “Dress as your favorite…living thing!”

The Halloween night arrived, all creatures gathered. Witches, pumpkins, and even unicorns danced in front of Witty, who was confused by the sight. Somehow, humorously, the ghosts hadn’t understood his “reverse” costume idea.

Just as Witty was about to correct them, the door creaked open. In walked…a human! Not just any human—a ghost hunter, carrying his fancy equipment! The party froze in fear, till Witty started laughing. “Best costume!”, he declared.

As the ghostly crowd started laughing with him, the human, Mike, nervously revealed his secret – he was the real deal. Expecting pandemonium, he was shocked when the ghosts continued laughing, thinking it was an awesome act. “The best prank, Witty!”, they crowed.

And that’s how a real ghost hunter won the best costume award at a ghost Halloween party…in complete disbelief!