Title: “Cluck or Treat: The Haunted House Chicken of Creepy Lane”

Every Halloween, just as the clock struck twelve, Sam’s house on Creepy Lane twelve grew arms, legs, wings and a monstrous face. Just imagine, if you’d dare, a giant haunted house chicken clumsily strolling around the neighbourhood!

One Halloween, it squawked loudly, clucking over to the candy store. Devouring all the sweets, it belched out candy wrappers with a thunderous cluck. The town’s folks were terrified but also found it hilarious.

Sam, tired of his house’s annual shenanigans, decided to confront it. He baked a giant candy-filled pie, the size of a small car. As the clock chimed twelve, Sam rolled out his treat.

The house, smelling the delicious scent, turned around and lurched towards it. It curiously pecked at the pie and BOOM! The pie exploded, covering the house in candy colored goop.

Exhausted and sticky, the house, to everyone’s astonishment, grew smaller and flew back to its original spot. The monstrous features faded, leaving behind just an ordinary house.

Ever since that Halloween, the house learned its lesson. It never transformed and spent every Halloween just like any other normal house. That is, except for the occasional chicken-like clucks it would emit when the clock struck twelve!