Title: “Sweet Surprises at Sunrise Manor”

Picture this: a time-worn, creaky mansion atop a hill, ironically named “Sunrise Manor.” On Halloween night, children daring enough to venture near caught glimpses of rattling shutters and flickering lights. Rumour had it, a spirited ghost named ‘Loony Larry’ inhabited the manor who loved pranks more than scares.

One chilly Halloween, a boy named Tim, armed with his infallible courage and unyielding sweet tooth, decided to unravel the truth. He timidly knocked on the door, feeling jitters that did not belong to the cold.

The door creaked open. A sweet, grandmotherly voice emanated from the dark, inviting him for candy. Tim, with an instinctual pull for sugar, sprinted inside. But alas, no one was to be found inside! Out of the creepy silence, he heard a playful chuckle.

Sticky candy suddenly materialized in his bag! Stunned, Tim heard the same chuckle and made the connection. ‘Loony Larry’ was nothing more than a sweet grandma ghost who relished in giving, not frights, but delights.

Leaving the mansion, Tim waved at Sunset Manor. Among the warm glow of the rising sun, he could have sworn he saw curtains flutter in a ghostly goodbye wave!