Once upon a midnight dreary, in the quaint town of Serendipity Hollow, an eccentric scientist, Dr. Quackery, had conjured an unusual potion. His plan, to awaken the one statue in town – the legendary tall tale, Stella the Stone Maiden.
On Halloween night, under the eerily glowing full moon, he trickled the bright bubbling potion onto Stella. Right at the strike of midnight, there was a petit ‘plink’, and Stella was no longer stone, but alive!
She stood up, stretching and yawning. Then, grabbing Dr. Quackery’s hand, she led him towards the Halloween Carnival where everyone was dancing and singing. Stella reveled in the music, the lights, the laughter… and the caramel apples!
She then stood in the center of the carnival, proclaimed loudly, “It’s lovely being alive! But”, she paused, “Wouldn’t it be more fun if ALL of Serendipity Hollow’s statues danced with us?”
Everyone gasped, and in that same instant, Stella turned into a pigeon, fluttered around the carnival spreading a mysterious glimmer, and voila! All the statues in the fairytale town sprung to life!
Just then, there was a collective gasp. “Wait, Dr. Quackery… you weren’t trying to bring her to life… you were trying to turn her into a pigeon!?”
Dr. Quackery simply winked, “Happy Halloween, Serendipity Hollow…let the statue party commence!”