Title: “The Friendly Ghost of Hallo Village: Scary Mary’s Halloween Surprise”

Once upon a time, a tiny village named Hallo was buzzing with excitement for their favorite festival – Halloween. In Hallo, lived a peculiar granny, known by everyone as ‘Scary Mary’. Halloween was her favorite, but surprisingly, she never dressed up or joined the celebrations. However, she would always tell the kids, “My house is haunted by the friendliest ghost!”

As the Halloween night approached, the children gathered around Scary Mary, begging her to reveal the friendly ghost. Finally, she agreed but under one condition – they were to enter her house after sunset, all by themselves. As brave as they were, the dare was accepted.

The hour arrived, and one by one, they entered her creepy mansion. Inside was a room, dimly lit, and in the middle stood a tall figure covered in a white sheet. Shaking and trembling, they approached the figure. Suddenly, it came to life and the unlucky ghost tripped over a chair, revealing Scary Mary chuckling at her own prank.

The room filled with laughter and cheers, “Scary Mary, you got us good!”. And that, my dear, is the tale of the friendliest ghost of Hallo Village, who, in fact, was not so ‘ghostly’ after all. Halloween was never the same again, especially in Hallo, where ghosts can trip over chairs and grannies can trick or treat with the best of them.