Title: The Haunting of Mr. Scrooge: A Halloween Surprise

Once upon a Halloween night, in a quiet eerily lit street, lived a grumpy old man named Mr. Scrooge, known for his disdain for Halloween. Children in their spooky costumes avoided his haunted-looking house like it hosted real ghosts.

This year, a brave little girl, Emily, in her sparkling fairy outfit, daringly marched to Scrooge’s doorstep. With a chilled heart and an iron-clad will, she pressed the creaky doorbell. The echo almost seemed to freeze the night.

Scrooge opened the door. His graying hair and deep creepy voice were quite intimidating. Emily managed to squeak in a high-pitched trembling voice, “Trick-o-Treat!” Scrooge, taken aback, looked closely at Emily and found something curious.

“Do you know,” he stammered, “you look identical to my darling granddaughter who loved Halloween!” He hastily retreated, only to return with a giant candy bag for Emily, his grumpy mask melting into a warm smile.

From that Halloween onward, Scrooge’s ‘haunted’ house turned into the most anticipated stop for candies for all kids. But the real suspense was… Scrooge had no grandchildren. “Oh did I? Must’ve forgotten!” he winked. And that, my friends, is the trick in our treat!