Title: **The Legend of Pumpkinhead House: A Sweet Surprise**

Once upon a time in the small, quirky town of Pumpkinhead, every Halloween, a house at the end of Maple street would mysteriously light up. The house, left abandoned for years, created a spooky spectacle that both excited and terrified the town’s residents.

The rumor was that the old owner, Mr. Gourd, disappeared one chilly October night, leaving only his pumpkin lantern burning. And since then, every Halloween, the house would light up with an eerie glow.

On this particular Halloween, a brave young lad, named Tommy, decided to investigate. He ventured into the old house with his torchlight and a big bag of candies.

As always the house lit up, surprising Tommy with an array of vibrant Halloween decorations. There were delicious looking candies laid out on a table and dazzling, spinning lanterns casting long, creepy shadows. Tommy thought, ‘This doesn’t look scary at all!’

To his surprise, an old man appeared, with a peculiar resemblance to Mr. Gourd! ‘Welcome, Tommy!’ he exclaimed with a chuckle. ‘I’m not a ghost, just a Halloween enthusiast who doesn’t like visitors. But since you brought the candies…’

So remember folks, the moral of the story is: If you must explore haunted houses, always bring candy. You never know; you might just meet an old Halloween-loving hermit, craving some sweets!