“The Haunted House and the Prankster’s Trick”

"The Haunted House and the Prankster's Trick" - A Halloween Short Story by Halloween-Junkie.com
“The Haunted House and the Prankster’s Trick” – A Halloween Short Story by Halloween-Junkie.com

On a chilled Halloween night, young Tommy, decked out in a ghostly sheet, was on a quest for the perfect trick-or-treat loot. The old house at the end of the street was reputed to give out the biggest candy bars, but it was also rumored to be haunted.

Bravely, Tommy knocked on the creaky gate and walked towards the house. It seemed vacant, not a single light was on. He stood on the porch and knocked. Suddenly, the door creaked open, revealing a deep, spooky darkness. With trembling hands, Tommy held up his candy bag, blinking eyes adjusting to the gloom.

Out of the shadows, an arm reached out, dropping a colossal chocolate candy bar into his bag and followed by a low, eerie laugh.

Relieved and thrilled, Tommy ran back home, eager to devour his prized possession. As he unwrapped his prize, instead of the promised candy, he found a healthy, green apple.

With a sigh, Tommy understood. Sometimes, even ghosts care about dental hygiene. Then he heard a familiar chuckle nearby, Aunt Agnes, the town dentist, also a meteoric prankster! Certainly, his Halloween night was one to remember.