The Haunting of Willow Glen: A Spooky Surpise

The Haunting of Willow Glen: A Spooky Surpise - A Halloween Short Story by
The Haunting of Willow Glen: A Spooky Surpise – A Halloween Short Story by

Once upon a time, in a small, peaceful village called Willow Glen, Halloween was the busiest day of the year. The locals took dressing up seriously, especially old man Jenkins, the town eccentric. But on this particular Halloween, something was amiss; Jenkins had not been seen all day.

As night approached, the neighborhood kids, undeterred by Jenkins’ absence, decided to trick or treat at his notoriously haunted house. Bravely, little Tommy, a dinosaur for the night, ventured first to the ominous open door. He got his candy bowl ready and shouted into the darkness, “Trick or Treat!”

Just as the words left his mouth, a ghostly figure swooped from behind the door, emitting a blood-curdling scream. Tommy, suddenly bold, reached out to remove the sheet. To everyone’s surprise, instead of finding Jenkins, they found Mrs. Gonzalez, the sweet, innocent librarian!

Giggles filled the silent night as she told them how Jenkins had sprained his ankle and asked her to spearhead the frightening tradition. And so, the scariest Halloween in Willow Glen turned into the funniest one thanks to the surprising ghost, Mrs. Gonzalez.