
Halloween Junkie - Haunted House Reaper, Horror

Who Is Terrified Of Haunted Houses?

Once again, it’s that time of year. It’s time for all the ghouls and demons to emerge from their hiding places. It’s time for children to dress up in imaginative costumes and go door-to-door soliciting treats. Yes, it is that delightful annual occasion known as Halloween. For many people, one popular practice over this occasion is to visit local haunted houses. People relish the opportunity to entertain their basic anxieties in these frightening commorancies. Many of us enjoy a good scare.

Naturally, these are fictitious haunted houses. Annual occurrences of frights involving smoke and mirrors. They’re enjoyable because everyone participates. The demons are actors, while the ghosts are set pieces. These haunted houses are enjoyable since both the spook and the spooked are aware that no one will be harmed in the process. So what about really haunted houses?

Here, the rules are altered. This time, the scares are genuine, and the victim’s safety is jeopardized. Now, one is confronted by the supernatural. That is, assuming that “the supernatural” exists at all.

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Many neighbourhoods around the industrial and post-industrial world appear to have one or two purportedly haunted locations. According to Dennis William Hauck’s National Directory of Haunted Houses, the United States alone has around 2,000 haunted locations. This is unsurprising, given that the only actual qualifications for a haunted house are a spooky atmosphere, a very lengthy history, and a few eyewitness tales.

Thus, where are some of the ideal locations to visit in order to witness a “genuine” haunting? How about two of the world’s most haunted locations?

• Whaley House – Located in San Diego, California, this is the nation’s most haunted house. The residence was partially constructed on top of an old cemetery and portions of San Diego’s first public gallows. The residence has stood on that spot for 148 years. The house’s location has made it a great location for numerous heinous actions during the last century. As a result, several ghost sightings have happened on this property. Among them is the spirit of a little girl who hanged herself on a clothesline while rushing down a hillside. Jim Robinson, a well-known criminal, was hanged five years before the mansion was erected. His final resting place is currently located between the parlor and music room. When visitors pass under the archway that separates these rooms, many describe feeling a chill and a tightening of the neck. Along with these two ghosts, countless reports of phantom odours in certain rooms, nonexistent baby cries in other rooms, and various apparitions seen in the house’s mirrors and windows have been made.

• Borley Rectory – Borley Rectory England, not to be outdone by the United States, also has a number of haunted locations. Borley Rectory, in the little town of Borley, Essex, is said to be the most haunted. The rectory (priestly dwelling) was constructed in 1863 on the site of a historic monastery. Surprisingly, it was erected on a site reputed to be haunted by a spirit (a nun who was bricked up alive, in one of the monastic cellars). Since then, the rectory has experienced multiple sightings of the nun, as well as numerous poltergeist events, during which various things have been broken or shifted. Strange sounds, scents, and chilly areas have also been reported there.

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While both of these locations claim to be haunted, one has to wonder whether haunting is a genuine occurrence or a psychosomatic one. Is it true that ghosts exist, or are they figments of our imagination? This continues to be a contentious issue among the general people. According to a recent Harris poll (February 2003), 51% of respondents asked believed in ghosts.

Of fact, believing in something and its reality are not always synonymous. After all, there was a time when a large portion of the globe believed the planet was flat and that disease was caused by the star’s influence. While there is considerable disagreement among the general people over the validity of ghosts, there is little to none among the scientific community. There has been no clear proof to far indicating the validity of ghosts or other paranormal experiences.

So, what are people seeing? Along with the numerous ghost seekers, there are a few ghost-busters. After reading the different testimonies from these guys, it’s clear that ghostly encounters occur for one of two reasons.

1. Delusions
2. Conspiracy theories

The first phrase is reserved for clinically insane individuals, correct? Not at all. Hallucinations are more prevalent in the general population than one might believe. A hallucination is merely a moment when the brain misinterprets a sight, sound, or scent. The majority of hallucinations occur during “dazed” states. That is, moments during which the individual is somewhat tranquil. The two most frequent times are just before or after sleep, or when engaging in a peaceful, rather boring activity.

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Hypnopompic Hallucinations, or “awake dreams,” are hallucinations that occur shortly before or just after sleep. When one awakens, the brain is not completely out of “sleep mode,” and thus, moments of dreaming leak into reality. Hallucinations can sometimes occur when performing routine tasks such as cleaning. When one is in a daydreaming condition, apparitions frequently appear. Numerous individuals claim catching a glimpse of something out of the corner of their eyes. This is frequently the consequence of their eye perceiving the quick movement of a little object (e.g. a fly, their eyelash, or drifting material inside the eye) and their brain equating it with a larger object. Occasionally, these take the shape of a human standing or seated. The level of detail in the hallucination is highly dependent on the hallucinator’s susceptibility/imagination. However, the outcome is always the same. The “apparition” vanishes the moment the person looks away.

Why so many people describe experiencing the same event has a lot to do with the power of suggestion. Individuals who are familiar with the legends surrounding a certain location are frequently prone to seeing the objects in question. Often, the hallucination is simply linked to a piece of the story the individual has heard (often getting molded to fit the scenario after the fact). Occasionally, the hallucination is intense enough to inspire the creation of a new ghost story. This is frequently the result of a personality type known as “fantasy prone.” That is, a person who excels at imagining. Many of these individuals go on to produce fantasy/science fiction novels or assert psychic skills. Additionally, they are prone to being hypnotized. Cases in which objects are discovered to be relocated or moving are frequently exaggerations of what actually occurred. Occasionally, the individual may even subconsciously rearrange objects in an attempt to bring their vision to life.

Which brings us to the second major kind of haunting: hoaxes. Numerous haunted locations throughout the world are prepared in this manner to induce the sensation of paranormal activity. Numerous locations with a reputation of being haunted are undoubtedly receiving assistance from owners/staff members who are attempting to preserve the legends. This can range from tiny gestures such as synchronized footfall sounds during a specific time period of the night to deliberately switching light switches on and off, creating ghostly sights, and fabricating supplementary storylines.

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Often, these “hoax houses” are easily discovered. Occasionally, though, a haunted house retains its aura of the supernatural for an extended period of time and resists attempts at debunking. Consider the infamous Amityville Horror. The Amityville Horror occurred in 1975 in Amityville, New York. The residence had been the location of the DeFeo family’s heinous murder a year previous by family member Ronald “Butch” Jr. George and Kathy Lutz, along with their three children, purchased the home. Not shortly after moving there, the Lutzes reported that their house had been taken over by demons and provided a rather thorough description of what occurred throughout their 28-day stay.

In 1977, author Jay Anson adapted the story into a novel. This was followed by a 1979 film adaptation of the novel and, most recently, a 2005 remake. Each of the three includes the tagline: a true story. This, however, was not the case. There have been naysayers ever since the initial story was brought to the public’s attention. Despite the fact that academics Rick Moran and Peter Jordan discovered over 100 factual discrepancies between the book’s account and the actual facts (for example, the claimed demonic hoof print discovered in the snow could not have occurred because there was no snowfall that night), the legend persisted.

Finally, it required the confessions of William Weber (the DeFeo’s attorney) and the Lutzes to put an end to this mythology. Although the Amityville Horror was eventually discredited, the damage had been done. All subsequent owners of the DeFeo family estate must now contend with throngs of onlookers and paranormal investigators who insist on viewing the cursed mansion.

Therefore, if someone dares you to spend the night at a “true” haunted house this Halloween, keep in mind the famous words of investigative authors Robert Baker and Joe Nickell:

“There are no haunted places; there are only haunted individuals.”

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Halloween Junkie - Happy Halloween

Putting Together the Ultimate Halloween Party

Halloween can be a day of excitement for both children and adults. It is also a holiday that is specifically created for socializing. Spooky themes, entertaining costumes, and plenty of snacks make it a wonderful time for kids and adults of all ages.

Many believe that Halloween used to be a holiday designated mostly for children in the past. There would be costume celebrations at school, followed by an evening of trick-or-treating and other enjoyable activities in the neighborhood. In recent years, however, an increasing number of grownups have begun to participate in the Christmas spirit as well. After all, who doesn’t enjoy dressing up in a fantastic costume and indulging in sweets on Halloween? Furthermore, because both parents and children can dress up, decorate the house or yard, and participate in the holiday festivities, Halloween becomes a family celebration.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Party
Halloween Junkie – Putting Together the Ultimate Halloween Party – www.halloween-junkie.com

The origins of Halloween parties

Halloween originated as a Celtic festival known as “Samhain,” which commemorated the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. Samhain was considered a night of reincarnation by the Celts, during which the spirits of the dead would return to the world to visit the living. Dark spirits such as goblins and witches would emerge with them, bringing with them a lot of trouble. Fires would be lighted to ward off the evil spirits, and the Celts would dress up in masks and costumes as part of the celebrations to further their cause. Leaving food and lamps out as gifts for the dead was common practice. Over time, these rituals evolved into the holiday celebrations that we are familiar with today.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Party
Halloween Junkie – Putting Together the Ultimate Halloween Party – www.halloween-junkie.com

Parties for children

Themes for children Parties for Halloween can be kept rather basic, in most cases. Most children get enthusiastic about dressing up and consuming sweets, and there is lots of room for individual expression. Consider organizing games for the children, such as bobbing for apples, creating treat bags, and costume contests for the entire group. Of course, food is almost always a requirement for having a good time, and you can get extremely creative with it. Fun fall delicacies such as caramel apples and popcorn balls may be made with a little ingenuity and food coloring, and you can frequently transform regular foods into something festive with a little creativity and food coloring.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Party
Halloween Junkie – Putting Together the Ultimate Halloween Party – www.halloween-junkie.com

Parties for adults

While adult parties can still include costumes and food, you may need to raise the stakes a little bit when it comes to the expectations of your guests. Contests in costumes can still be a fun way to encourage attendees to be creative and dress up for an event. More mature themes include a Day of the Dead celebration, in which you can serve authentic Mexican cuisine and treats and celebrate the event in a more traditional manner. Alternatively, you might host a costume party where you would play music all night and serve delectable desserts.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Party
Halloween Junkie – Putting Together the Ultimate Halloween Party – www.halloween-junkie.com

Making preparations in advance

You don’t want to have to cancel your Halloween party plans because the month of October is approaching. Not only can you come up with a beautiful theme, but you can also get everything you need if you start planning ahead of time. Purchase party materials, such as paper plates and glasses, at discounted prices when they become available. Try to find interesting new dishes to try out so that you may impress your pals. Don’t forget to hunt for a costume as well; by buying early, you’ll be able to find the best choices at the most competitive costs.

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Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights

Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights

Halloween Horror Nights (formerly dubbed Fright Nights) is an annual event held at Universal Studios theme parks in Florida, California, Singapore, and Japan. The parks are open throughout the day and transform into Halloween Horror Nights during the evening. The Halloween-themed festival takes place in the fall and contains haunted homes, fright zones, and live entertainment, many of which feature characters from Universal Studios. It is aimed for teenagers and adults.

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights


Halloween Horror Nights debuted in 1991 as Fright Nights at Universal Studios Florida. It debuted on October 25, 26, and 31, 1991, as a three-night event including only one haunted house, The Dungeon of Terror. The event was held at Universal Studios Florida from 1991 until 2001.

In 1992, the event was renamed “Universal Studios Florida Halloween Horror Nights” and billed as the event’s second year. Two haunted houses made their return, with The Dungeon of Terror returning to the Jaws queue building and The People Under The Stairs making its Soundstage 23 debut. The five-night event took place on October 23, 24, 29, 30, and 31.

Halloween Horror Nights at Universal Studios Florida expanded to seven nights for the third year. Due to the reopening of the Jaws attraction, the in-park haunted house was relocated from the Jaws line in Amity to the New York area’s Nazarman’s facade. The number of haunted houses has been raised to three, with the third located inside Universal Studios Florida’s Bates Motel.

In 1994, Halloween Horror Nights 4 was extended to an eight-night run. This year, the Dungeon of Terror returned with a new design, as well as three additional haunted houses. Along with Nazarman’s and the Bates Motel, new locations included the Earthquake overflow queue and the Boneyard. This year also saw the debut of the word “Scaracters,” as well as the inaugural “Ghoul School” for event participants.

Halloween Horror Nights V ran for 12 nights and featured three haunted houses, one of which featured a dual-path. Additionally, it was the first time Universal centered an event around a character, in this case the Crypt Keeper from Tales from the Crypt. The event was dubbed “The Crypt Keeper’s Curse.”

In 1986 and 1992, Universal Studios Hollywood hosted Halloween attractions. While the 1986 attempt bore little resemblance to the present event, it was overshadowed by the unfortunate death of a store employee who, like many other employees at the time, had volunteered to perform in the event. The 1992 event was created in direct response to the success of Fright Nights at Universal Florida the previous year, however it was a failure. Halloween Horror Nights opened on October 9, 1997, at Universal Studios Hollywood and ran until the 2000 season. Halloween Horror Nights had a sabbatical from 2001 to 2005 at Universal Studios Hollywood before returning in 2006. Since then, it has occurred annually. Between 2007 and 2014, Universal Studios Hollywood re-themed Universal’s House of Horrors, the park’s permanent haunted attraction, for Halloween Horror Nights.

Returning to Florida, Halloween Horror Nights VI through X maintained the format established for Halloween Horror Nights V in 1995, expanding from 15 nights in 1996 to 19 nights in 2000. Each year featured three haunted houses, though beginning in 1998, two of the houses featured dual-path experiences, for a total of five encounters. One major update was the addition of the world’s first three-dimensional haunted house to the Nazarman’s exterior in 1999. Universal debuted its first in-house designed icon, Jack the Clown, in 2000.

Due to the proximity to the September 11 attacks to Halloween Horror Nights XI, Universal made numerous alterations to the event. Much of the event’s gore was omitted, and blood was replaced with green “goop.” Numerous residences, fear zones, and shows have had their names changed. Eddie, the initial icon character, was axed. Edgar Sawyer was envisioned as a deranged, chainsaw-wielding horror film enthusiast who had been disfigured in a fire. He was positioned as a rival to former icon Jack, and the tagline “No more clowning around” was used in early commercials and merchandising. Eddie was eventually ejected from the event before to its start, despite his continued appearance on the event’s logo and goods with the official “I.C.U.” catchphrase. Jack would return as a last-minute replacement, accompanied by a range of products under the motto “Jack’s Back.” Eddie’s origins have been altered, as has his name, which has been changed to Eddie Schmidt, Jack’s younger brother. Again, the festival lasted 19 days and featured five haunted houses. The duplex residence was located in Soundstage 22.

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights

Icons for events

Halloween Horror Nights has gathered a slew of iconic lead characters. These emblems are frequently accompanied by complex backstories involving the events’ themes, residences, or terror zones. They have been mostly utilized for promotional materials and marketing. The first unofficial icon was The Crypt Keeper, a character from the famous television series Tales from the Crypt at the time of his initial appearance at an event. The Crypt Keeper was reintroduced the following year for another of the residences, but was not included in the advertising campaign. After the Crypt Keeper, the event continued without an icon for three years. Imhotep was the icon for Halloween Horror Nights X in 1999, while Jack the Clown was the icon for Halloween Horror Nights X. This is the first time that Universal designed a symbol in-house. Every year since, with the exception of Halloween Horror Nights XIV, 22-24, and 27-29, Halloween Horror Nights has featured an icon, and in some cases, many icons. Jack the Clown, The Caretaker, The Director, The Storyteller, Bloody Mary, The Usher, Fear, Lady Luck, and Chance have been among these figures. Chance served as the 2016 Halloween Horror Nights icon. She was a new icon, although she used to act as Jack’s “sidekick” in his shows (however there are speculations that they are romantically involved) (her role and look being inspired by Batman antagonist Harley Quinn). In 2007, for Halloween Horror Nights 17, Universal once again leased intellectual property from other parties, this time from New Line Cinema for Freddy Krueger, Jason Voorhees, and Leatherface, but retained Jack the Clown. Jack the Clown made a triumphant comeback to Halloween Horror Nights XXV in 2015, followed by Chance at Halloween Horror Nights 26 in 2016. In 2021, the icons returned to their home, Icons Captured, for HHN 30. Set in Fear’s Lantern from HHN 20, each group had their own dedicated area in which they re-enacted famous kills. Each night, a different icon would sit in the throne in the last room.

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights

Houses That Are Haunted

The haunted houses are the event’s primary draw. When “Fright Nights” began at Universal Studios Florida in 1989,[89] there was just one haunted house: the Dungeon of Terror. [90] As the event has grown in popularity over the years, the number of houses has expanded to as many as ten, as of Halloween Horror Nights 28 in 2018. [91] The residences are listed in the charts above, organized by year, for each park. On average, the event features nine haunted homes and additional fear zones.

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights

Zones of Fear

Halloween Horror Nights IV was the first year to include a “scare zone,” a term used to refer to particular outdoor areas that contain costumed figures that correspond to the zone’s theme with the intention of frightening those who enter. To access specific portions of the park, visitors must pass through various fright zones. Orlando rebranded fear zones as “street experiences” in 2012, saying that scare performers were no longer constrained to certain “zones.” Rather than that, there were a number of “hordes” that moved throughout the park every 90 minutes. By 2014, The Purge: Anarchy (based by the film), Face Off: In the Flesh, Bayou of Blood, and MASKerade: Unstitched have reintroduced the typical fear zones. However, Hollywood Horror Nights in California retains themed scare zones. Halloween Horror Nights in Orlando has relocated its scare zones in recent years, requiring guests to walk through at least one zone upon entering the park. While actors are not permitted to touch guests or vice versa, a large number of them can surround you at any given time. Numerous actors in these places carry props such as bats, chainsaws, and phantom firearms and can act as if they are about to attack you with their “weapons.” Additionally, actors are permitted to pursue tourists into and out of the fear zones. At times, actors will pose as regular event guests, only to be apprehended by various hoards, most notably The Purge.

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights
Photo by David Sprague


Halloween Horror Nights has included a variety of live entertainment performances. “The Rocky Horror Picture Show A Tribute,” “Bill and Ted’s Excellent Halloween Adventure,” Robosaurus, and Academy of Villains have all had recurring episodes. From 1992 until its discontinuation during Halloween Horror Nights 27 in 2017, Bill and Ted’s show was included in every Halloween Horror Nights.

Universal Studios Florida will unveil a brand-new lagoon performance, “Halloween Marathon of Mayhem,” on HHN 29. The show will feature “iconic scenes from major horror films, cult classics, and television shows.”

Halloween Junkie - Universal Studios Halloween Horror Nights


Numerous rides will stay operating during the festival. Some attractions have been rethemed during previous event years, such as Kongfrontation becoming Tramway of Doom for Halloween Horror Nights II. Since 2015, Diagon Alley has been open during Halloween Horror Nights. It was shuttered in 2014, despite having opened only a few months prior, and has not been re-themed or featured any scare actors to date.

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Halloween Junkie - Halloween Masks

Halloween Masks For Your Upcoming Halloween Party

Have you ever thought about what it is that makes Halloween so much fun for so many people? Are you envious of the youngsters because they are able to have such a good time but all the adults are required to do is stand at the door all evening and greet people?

Halloween is a time for the ladies to have a screamin’ good time as well, and also one of the most imaginative ways to do so is to transform into a kid once more. What evening could be more appropriate for this than Halloween night?

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Masks

When it comes to making our own Halloween exciting for our October party, the computer system is one of the best tools we adults have at our disposal. If you’re planning a Halloween party this year, why not do it in a nostalgic, return-to-your-childhood Halloween style? The computer system utilizes a variety of gifts that can make your Halloween childishly enjoyable– from Halloween masks to coloring pages to wonderful costume ideas to suggestions for improving your home.

Send out your invitations well in advance of the big event, and make certain everyone realizes that you will absolutely be engaging in childish activities once more as part of this year’s Halloween enjoyment. Listed below are some things you can do:

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Masks
Halloween printable masks.

In addition, you may get certain Halloween masks on the internet. Provide one to each party visitor and also ask him or her to color them in (if you choose the kinds that need to be tinted). After that arrange them all in a large box and then allow individuals choose which one they want to wear.

Alternatively, you can get Halloween masks that do not require any coloring on the internet. As each individual is greeted at your door, he hides his identity behind one of the Halloween masks you have on hand.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Masks

As soon as they walk in the door, they each receive one of the Halloween masks. The only person who knows who is behind the mask is the host; everyone else has to guess who it is based on the disguise and the hidden individual’s idiosyncrasies.

Another option for utilizing Halloween masks is to warn everyone who is coming that they must arrive wearing a Halloween mask that they obtained from the Internet in order to be admitted. In this way, a small connection is established, as well as a distinct style – the Halloween masks event.

When planning your grown-up Halloween celebration, incorporating the utilization of your computer system as well as the employment of Halloween masks can make the procedure a lot more pleasant as well as cost-effective.

If you’re planning a Halloween party this year, why not incorporate a theme of “return to childhood” into the festivities? The computer system provides a plethora of freebies that will make your Halloween childishly enjoyable– everything from Halloween masks to coloring pages to excellent costume ideas to advice for decorating your home.

As each individual is greeted at your door, he hides his identity behind one of the Halloween masks you have on hand. As soon as they walk in the door, they each receive one of the Halloween masks.

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Halloween Junkie - Halloween Indoor and Outdoor Decorations

Unique Halloween Decorations – Indoor and Outdoor

If you take a walk around your neighborhood, there is a significant probability that you will see decors that are very similar to one another. Halloween decorations such as jack-o-lanterns, orange lights, trash bag pumpkins, and witches who have “crashed” into garage doors and nearby trees are extremely popular. If you’re looking for something different to do this year, keep reading for some creative suggestions.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Mask


Put a strange mask on your front door and call it a day. You may also hang them in your windows to give the impression that someone creepy is peering in.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Vase


Decorating your home with glass vases may be a fun and unique way to express your personality. Use different items in fall and Halloween colors to fill them, such as colored leaves or marbles in black and orange. Halloween candies or plastic bugs can also be used as fillers. After that, you can reuse the vases by changing the contents for special occasions such as Thanksgiving, Christmas, and other celebrations. Fillers are often available at your local craft or dollar store in a variety of sizes and shapes.

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Phony spider webs can be used to create a scary atmosphere in your front yard, but they can also be used indoors, where they have the added benefit of lasting longer. Place them in doors and nooks throughout your home to add character. You might even think about bringing in some unusual locals to complete the look.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Mural


Consider creating your own Halloween mural for your home. This can also serve as a cute souvenir to pass on to your children as they get older, to help them remember their own early Halloweens.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Accent


In the event that you don’t want to go all out with your Halloween decorations, a few subtle accents might help you get into the Halloween spirit without turning your house into a haunted house. For example, you may hang black and orange drapes or get out some Halloween-themed toss cushions to decorate your home. Invest in a Halloween welcome mat, or repurpose your smaller potted plants into plastic trick-or-treating containers for the holiday season. You can also look for Halloween trinkets and window clings that are permanently attached to the window.

If you are weary with the traditional Halloween decorations, a little imagination might assist you in creating your own Halloween display screen for your home. Simply look for things that you like that are related to the Halloween theme and use them to create your own creations.

Halloween Junkie - Halloween Decorations

Filling them with a variety of materials in fall and Halloween colors, such as colored leaves, black and orange marbles, Halloween sweets, or even plastic bugs, might be a fun and festive idea. In the event that you do not wish to go overboard with your Halloween decorations, a couple of tasteful accents might help to create a Halloween atmosphere without turning your home into a haunted attraction. Installing orange and black curtains or bringing out some Halloween-themed toss cushions are both good options. Invest in a Halloween welcome mat, or repurpose your smaller potted plants into plastic trick-or-treating containers for the holiday season. You can even seek for Halloween trinkets and static window clings while you’re out shopping.

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Halloween Junkie - Halloween Wallpaper

Enjoy Halloween Wallpapers Throughout the Year

Halloween is a fantastic time for delight and celebration. Halloween desktop wallpapers help you maintain that frame of mind throughout the year.

What about reproducing Halloween’s joy all year long on your desktop computer? You can accomplish this with the use of Halloween Desktop wallpapers. Obtaining amazing Halloween wallpapers is a matter of thorough research.

Halloween is a holiday to be celebrated. By looking at Halloween Wallpapers, you can combat stress and anxiety and also take pleasure in a brand-new level of quality.

Halloween desktop computer wallpapers are an excellent way to treat your eyes throughout the day. When you glance at the wallpaper, you will absolutely feel fantastic, as it will certainly remind you of the enjoyable you had during Halloween. With Halloween wallpapers, show your appreciation.

Halloween desktop wallpapers assist you in appreciating that mood throughout the year. Halloween should be cherished. By seeing Halloween Wallpapers, you can combat your tension and also appreciate a fresh quality. Halloween wallpapers will undoubtedly terrify not just you, but also anyone who comes into contact with the wallpaper.

With Halloween wallpapers, show your appreciation.

Halloween is a fantastic time for delight and celebration. Halloween desktop wallpapers help you maintain that frame of mind throughout the year.

What about reproducing Halloween’s joy all year long on your desktop computer? You can accomplish this with the use of Halloween Desktop wallpapers. Obtaining amazing Halloween wallpapers is a matter of thorough research.

Halloween is a holiday to be celebrated. By looking at Halloween Wallpapers, you can combat stress and anxiety and also take pleasure in a brand-new level of quality.

Halloween desktop computer wallpapers are an excellent way to treat your eyes throughout the day. When you glance at the wallpaper, you will absolutely feel fantastic, as it will certainly remind you of the enjoyable you had during Halloween. With Halloween wallpapers, show your appreciation.

Halloween desktop wallpapers assist you in appreciating that mood throughout the year. Halloween should be cherished. By seeing Halloween Wallpapers, you can combat your tension and also appreciate a fresh quality. Halloween wallpapers will undoubtedly terrify not just you, but also anyone who comes into contact with the wallpaper.

With Halloween wallpapers, show your appreciation.

Enjoy Halloween Wallpapers Throughout the Year Read More »

Halloween Junkie - Knotts Scary Farm

Knott’s Scary Farm

A seasonal Halloween event held at Knott’s Berry Farm in Buena Park, California, known as Knott’s Scary Farm or Knott’s Halloween Haunt. A variety of wandering creatures, terrible mazes, and’scare zones’ convert the theme park into “160 acres of horror” during this event. At the time of its establishment in 2010, it was said to be the world’s first, largest, and longest-running Halloween event to take place at a theme park.

Halloween Junkie - Knotts Scary Farm


The annual six-week-long event, which began as a three-night extravaganza on October 26-28, 1973, will be celebrating its 49th anniversary this year. It has grown to be the most attended event at any theme park.

A meeting of the park’s operations committee was held in September 1973, and the notion was proposed to the group by George Condos and Martha Boyd from the marketing department, as well as Bill Hollingshead and Gary Salisbury from the entertainment office. During the construction and operation of the Mine Ride, Log Ride, and other rides (as a concessionaire), Bud Hurlbut determined that static props were insufficient and donned a gorilla suit to scare passengers as they rode the Mine Ride. The Halloween Haunt was an immediate success, and by the following year, the event was selling out every night.

Knott’s Berry Farm was originally designed to look like the ghost town of Calico, California, which was abandoned as a result of the California gold rush. The theme park already had a distinct Ghost Town part, and this area would later become the designed area for the inaugural Halloween Haunt, which would eventually extend to encompass the entire park.

Halloween Junkie - Knotts Scary Farm

As the 1980s progressed, the theme park’s popularity grew, and celebrities from popular culture were brought on board to represent the attraction. “Weird Al” Yankovic, an actor and parody artist, joined the cast in 1981, while Cassandra “Elvira” Peterson joined the cast the following year. Until 2001, Elvira was a notable character in a number of Halloween Haunted House events. In accordance with postings on her Myspace page, Cassandra was released from her contract by the park’s new owners, who desired a more family-friendly atmosphere.

The decade of the 1990s will bring a new approach to Halloween. Knott’s changed its focus from explicit horror to dark comedy, and many aspects of the theme park were given a humorous makeover. Keeping the right combination of terror and levity has been critical to the success of Knott’s Halloween Haunt for over a decade now.

As a result of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, Knott’s Scary Farm announced on August 4th, 2020 that the 48th Scary Farm season would be cancelled and deferred to 2021. The closure of theme parks in California began in March at the request of California Governor Gavin Newsom and resulted in the cancellation of the 48th Scary Farm season. At the time of the announcement, the theme park was not open to the public.

Halloween Junkie - Knotts Scary Farm

Park Transformation

Despite the fact that Knott’s Berry Farm is a year-round theme park, the entire area is transformed into a Halloween-themed attraction. Attractions such as rides and other attractions are transformed into ghastly themes. In the park’s horrific scare zones, seasonal workers are dressed as a variety of monsters and walk the 160-acre (0.65 km2) property, which is shrouded in haze created by gigantic fog machines.

There are some characters who have gained a specific attraction, for example Sarah Rebecca Anne “The Green Witch Of Calico” Morgan-Marshall, who is regarded as the legendary, iconic, and infamous villianess herself. When Haunt premiered in 1973, Diana Kelly-Kirchen was cast as the first Green Witch, who went by the name of Spooky Sarah. She was the first Green Witch to appear on the show. Charlene Parker took over Diana’s role as the Haunt after Diana departed the show in 1982. The Green Witch was then replaced as the face of Scary Farm in 2021 by The Conductor, who became the new face of the attraction.

The contentious “Hanging” live act, which is a mainstay of the Haunt, parodies celebrities and public figures through a series of staged hangings, is a staple of the Haunt. Since the first Halloween Haunt in 1979, the Hanging has been an annual event.

Halloween Junkie - Knotts Scary Farm

As of 2019, there are nine mazes, four fright zones, four experiences, and four live events in the park.

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Halloween Junkie Trick Or Treat

What is the significance of the phrase “trick or treat”?

It’s trick or treat time! It’s the Halloween phrase. Have you ever wondered why small ghosts and goblins say that when they walk from house to house looking for candy?

According to History.com, Halloween may be traced back to the pre-Christian Celtic holiday of Samhain, which took place on October 31st. On Samhain, the ancient Celts thought the dead returned to earth, and they would commemorate the occasion with bonfires and other rituals. People dressed up in costumes during some events, often picking ghosts and devils to play the parts.

The early Christian church despised the pagan festival and sought to replace it with its own, declaring Nov. 1 as All Hallows Day or All Saints Day, a day to commemorate Catholic saints. However, the day was commemorated in the same fashion, with bonfires and masquerades. People would also pay visits to their neighbors in exchange for “treats” in exchange for praying for their loved ones’ souls. In exchange, the guests would frequently tell a joke or perform a “trick.”

Halloween was not observed by the early colonists, many of whom were religious Puritans. The practice was popularized by Irish immigrants who arrived in America in the 1840s, and it quickly expanded across the United States. Fireworks, ghost stories, and general mayhem were all part of the early celebrations. The Irish also imported the tradition of Jack O’ Lanterns, which are carved pumpkins (although in Europe they used turnips) that are believed to ward off evil spirits.

The American holiday grew entwined with the English custom of “guising,” in which the impoverished would go door-to-door asking for money, and before long, young people – and pranksters – were going door-to-door looking for treats.

The phrase “trick or treat” was first used in 1934, when a Portland, Oregon newspaper published a story about local kids pulling several Halloween pranks. The slogan eventually made its way into greeting cards, and by the 1940s, it was widely used during the Christmas season.

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12 Interesting Halloween Facts to Put Your Knowledge to the Test

We’re all familiar with the Halloween customs. It’s that time of year again, when we watch frightening movies, dress up in our most outrageous costumes, and hand out candy to our friends and neighbors. Despite the fact that we’ve all engaged in these Halloween activities numerous times, there’s a high possibility you don’t know much about Halloween’s history or how these customs came to be. So, we’ve got all of the answers to your Halloween-related inquiries!

You might be shocked to hear that Halloween has been celebrated for thousands of years, and that traditions like trick-or-treating have surprising origins. Even modern-day facts like world records for pumpkin carving and how much people spend on Halloween decorations can amuse you and give you a fresh appreciation for these holidays. These Halloween facts will add even more excitement to your spooky festivities, whether you’re arranging a game of trivia for your Halloween party or simply getting ready for the event yourself. Make a fun quiz out of this list with your family and friends, and give a point for each accurate answer. The winner gets first dibs on the chocolates!

1. Halloween has been celebrated for almost 2,000 years.

The first Halloween celebrations, according to History.com, may be dated back to the ancient Celts. They resided in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom, and northern France, and on October 31st, they had a feast called Samhain. It was the day before their new year, the beginning of winter, and the day when the dead were thought to return to Earth.

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2. Trick or treating arose from a custom known as “souling.”

Poor youngsters used to go door-to-door begging for food and money during the Celtic celebration of Samhain. According to Business Insider, children would promise to pray for the souls of their recently deceased loved ones in exchange for their generosity, which is how the action was given the moniker “souling.”

3. Immigrants from the 19th century popularized Halloween in the United States.

Despite the fact that colonial New Englanders were aware of Halloween, according to History.com, celebrations were limited due to their strong Protestant beliefs. The celebration didn’t become popular in America until the second part of the nineteenth century, when a wave of Irish and other European immigrants arrived.

Halloween Junkie Pumpkins

4. Irish folk stories about “Stingy Jack” inspired the creation of Jack-o’-lanterns.

After striking a deal with the devil, Stingy Jack was destined to wander the world at night for the rest of his life. He ignited a coal in a hollowed out turnip to lead his way, urging Irish and Scottish folk to do the same. However, when they eventually emigrated to America, they discovered that the native pumpkins had a better surface for carving.

Halloween Junkie Candy Corn

5. “Chicken feed” was the original name for candy corn.

Candy corns initially debuted on the market in the 1880s, according to History.com, when farmers made up over half of the American workforce. As a result, candies were frequently molded like agricultural shapes, such as chicken feed, which we now refer to as corn. Corn’s perception changed after World War I, when it was recognized as a human meal.

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6. The city of Keene, New Hampshire, holds the record for the most illuminated jack-o-lanterns.

The City of Keene is the reigning champion in jack-o-lantern displays, having set a Guinness World Record by lighting 30,581 pumpkins in 2013. The city was the first to set a record in this category, and they’ve since broken it eight times, demonstrating their commitment to winning.

Although Valentine’s Day is now commonly recognized as the romantic holiday, Halloween was formerly associated with courtship. According to the New York Times, Halloween festivities in the early twentieth century often preyed on women’s desire for love. One game involved slicing an apple skin and tossing it over her shoulder, with the landing peel supposedly indicating her future suitor’s first initial.

8. Candy was not exclusively given out to trick or treaters until the 1970s.

According to History.com, trick or treating became popular in the United States in the 1930s, when it was normal to give out everything from homemade cookies to nuts, toys, and cash. In the 1950s, candy producers began marketing pre-packaged Halloween products, and 20 years later, it had become the most popular treat for kids.

Halloween Junkie Candy

9. Candy has cost the United States over $3 billion in recent years.

Halloween spending in the United States set a new high in 2017, with $9.1 billion spent on the event. According to a poll conducted by the National Retail Federation, 95% of respondents planned to buy candy that year, resulting in a $2.7 billion overall spend on these festive treats.

10. In Halloween, Michael Myers’ mask is a well-known celebrity’s face.

Although the iconic costume from this 1978 film is menacing, its origin is actually very hilarious. The film’s production designer Tommy Lee Wallace discovered a mask of William Shatner as Captain Kirk in Star Trek and was entirely inspired, according to the New York Times. To get the style we’re all familiar with now, the crew spray-painted it white.

11. Beggars’ Night is a unique event in Des Moines.

In most areas, trick or treaters merely need to show up dressed in character to receive their Halloween candy, but not in Des Moines. According to the Des Moines Register, children must perform a trick or tell a joke as part of their Beggars’ Night tradition in order to receive their share of candy.

12. The fastest time for carving a pumpkin is 16.47 seconds.

For most people, carving pumpkins is a relaxing pastime, but in 2013, competitive carver Stephen Clarke earned a Guinness World Record by cutting his masterpiece in just 17 seconds. The pumpkin had to have a nose, eyes, mouth, and ears in order to be considered.

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What Is Halloween’s True History?

There is so much to anticipate during this frightfully enjoyable October holiday, from brainstorming spooky costumes to trying out pumpkin carving ideas with our children, consuming unfathomable amounts of Halloween sweets, candy, and chocolate, and indulging in everything pumpkin-spice-flavored.

Regardless of your age or how many times you’ve gone around the block, the holiday never gets old. The smallest children get to dress up and go trick-or-treating, while parents can indulge in a boozy Halloween cocktail.

However, amid the Halloween party activities and sugar rushes, have you ever wondered about Halloween’s origins and history?

We’re sharing the history and significance of Halloween in the hope that it will enhance your festivities. After all, this traditional festival stretches all the way back many, many years. It is far older than you may believe! And what about the witches and wizards with whom you’ve been acquainted? They, too, are a part of the story. This is the true story of how Halloween came to be.

You’re probably already aware that Halloween occurs on the final day of October, but here’s something you may not be aware of: The term itself literally translates as “holy evening,” and was previously referred to as All Hallows’ Eve by early European celebrants. Both All Hallows’ Eve (October 31) and All Saints’ Day (November 1) honor saints (“hallows” = saints). The word was later abbreviated to “Halloween,” which we still know and enjoy.

However, the pagan and Christian occasions were not necessarily consecutive. Until the seventh century CE, All Hallows’ Eve was observed on May 13. Perhaps in an attempt to balance the occasion with a religious festival, Pope Boniface IV eventually called for the commemoration to be moved to its current November 1 date.

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What Is the Purpose of Halloween on October 31?

Halloween occurs on October 31 due to the ancient Gaelic holiday of Samhain, which is considered the earliest known origin of Halloween. It was a vital time of year when the seasons changed, but more importantly, watchers believed the veil between this world and the next grew particularly thin at this time, allowing them to communicate with the dead. This belief is mirrored by a number of other cultures; a similar concept is cited in connection with the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur, which comes in October and involves praying for the deceased. This is also the origin of Halloween’s “haunted” overtones.

Halloween Junkie Witches Shoes

Halloween Activities Throughout History

Samhain, the early pagan celebration, comprised numerous ritualistic procedures to establish contact with spirits, as the Celts were polytheistic. While little is known about these rituals, many believe the Celts wore costumes (granted, they were likely as rudimentary as animal hides) to ward off ghosts, ate special feasts, and fashioned lanterns out of hollowed-out gourds (thus, the origin of jack-o’-lanterns). Over antiquity, when Christianity took over and the holiday’s pagan overtones were diminished, the holiday’s fundamental traditions remained a part of mainstream culture year after year; they merely developed and modernized.

Historically, magical rites evolved into more lighthearted amusement and games. For instance, the more heinous concept of interacting with the dead was abandoned in favor of the more whimsical concept of foretelling the future. Bobbing for apples, for example, became popular on All Hallows’ Eve as a fortune-telling game: Apples were chosen to represent all of a woman’s suitors, and the guy—er, apple—she ended up biting into was reputedly her future husband. Indeed, Halloween was a significant (though somewhat superstitious) matchmaking opportunity for young ladies in the nineteenth century.

Another common All Hallows’ Eve tradition was mirror-gazing in the hope of seeing a glimpse of their future. Additionally, there are accounts of fortune cookie-style rewards being distributed in previous periods. Individuals penned messages on scraps of paper with milk, which were then folded and placed inside walnut shells. The shells would be roasted over an open flame, causing the milk to brown just enough for the receiver to see the message appear mystically on the paper.

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Halloween Costumes and Trick-or-Treating History

Numerous people were claimed to dress up as saints and go door to door reciting hymns or poetry. Additionally, children would go door to door requesting “soul cakes,” a dessert resembling biscuits. Technical note: Soul cakes started on November 2 as part of the All Souls’ Day holiday (yeah, a third holiday! ), but subsequently got associated with Halloween night as the concept expanded into trick-or-treating. In the early to mid-1900s, the candy-grabbing concept became popular in the United States, when families would feed delicacies to youngsters in the expectation that they would be immune to Christmas pranks.

Costumes, likewise, evolved. While they began as sincere honors to saints, that tradition almost certainly fell out of favor… until young Scottish and Irish pranksters revived the practice of dressing up in frightening attire in order to startle unsuspecting neighbors. And just like that, Halloween costumes became terrifying, eerie, humorous, and inventive all at the same time, courtesy of these local hooligans.

Halloween Junkie Pumpkin Witches Hat

How Halloween Is Now Celebrated

While Halloween is clearly still a popular festival in America today, it nearly did not make over across the Atlantic. Puritans were opposed to the holiday’s pagan origins and hence abstained from celebrations. However, as Irish and Scottish immigrants began to come in greater numbers in America, the holiday re-entered the zeitgeist. The very first Halloween celebrations in colonial America included big public gatherings to welcome the approaching harvest, tell ghost stories, sing, and dance.

By the early twentieth century, Halloween was believed to be celebrated by the majority of (candy-loving, costume-wearing) individuals across North America. And once again, on October 31, we’ll all be eating our favorite candy and admiring our neighbors’ decorations—and the only terrifying spirits we’ll be discussing are our friends’ witch and ghost outfits.

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